~100 Good quality, simulator pets!

They were made deliberately to try and reflect the simulator style for pets at the time, wether this is still the same style I am unaware having not played a simulator in a while.

If the cube ones are not to your taste, there are a few unusual ones such as the fruits and the dominus ones

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Hey dude i saw someone re-selling it in a discord server, reported it trying to get them warned/or banned.


these are amazing!! how long did it take to make them??

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I think it took about 2 weeks to make in the end

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Yeah, I like it, all the pets are unique, that’s so cool.:clap::sunglasses::+1:

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Amazing work man the models are amazing


I hate games that add pets but now I might just add them.


Added a module that allows you to easily make these pets follow the player, just to make everyones pet adding process a little more convenient :slight_smile:


Bravo, absolutely using these. You should sell them!

Bruh… Why did you bump the thread?? :sob::sob:


i feel like bumping this post so hi guys