[100 USD] Looking for a professional scripter who can script a RP weapon system

To any professional scripters, please consider helping create a weapon system for my group roleplay games. We were using FE gun kit but players are constantly exploiting it and are causing my servers to crash. We’ve had to private the games because of it.

The Job:

We’re a fairly large group (80k group members & 5.7k discord members) looking for a programmer to script a new weapon system for use in our RP games. As the weapons are being used for roleplay (players type out their actions) we do not require any hit detection or bullet tracers. I’ve created a Trello and a card that has the required features written. If you’ve read the Trello and are interested in taking the job then please contact me using the methods below.


$100 USD via PayPal OR Robux equivalent.


  • Communicate with other developers on the team


  • Highly experienced with LUA
  • Must be 16+ years old
  • Must speak English

We’re looking for someone who is…

  • Accountable, responsible, and trustworthy
  • Passionate about game development
  • Willing to share their own creative ideas
  • Able to laugh, have fun, and enjoy the process

Contact Us:

You can contact me by either replying here or adding me on discord (preferred) JasperG007#0001

Thanks for reading!

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