[100 USD Negotiable] Looking for builder (CLOSED BUILDER HAS BEEN HIRED)

Hi there! We are working on a roleplay game. My team right now is very small and it will gradually expand as I hire more developers.

@RickZ57 - Owner
@EggYolked - UI/Animations/Building/3D Modelling
and other developers you will meet.

This game is set in London. You can roleplay as police or be a robber. This is a roleplay game.
What this game need’s currently:

  • Car Dealer
  • Bank
  • Petrol Stations
  • Flats
  • Motorways

With interiors. Furniture can be provided.

Our game needs a builder who is very active and has experience. We would love to see your enthusiasm and passion throughout your commission. Please do send a Portfolio

Images of the game


The payment will be 100 USD + Negotiable. We can go up and offer a game percentage

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum
Twitter - @codename_eggs
Discord - aaron#3929 (Do tell me if you have sent me a friend request or I will not know if you added me. I get loads of friend requests so please do tell me.)

Terms and Condition

You must be 13 years of age or older to apply (Preferably 15+). If you are found to be under 13; you will be reported on discord and DevForums.


Sent a fr mate

This has to be 30 characters apparently so I am going to blaber on

I am interested but i dont know how skilled of a builder you need i am best with picture builds could you also pay in robux?

Hey! I am Interested but 100 USD for the builder or the whole team?

Just for the builder it will be 100 USD Negotiable

Do you need the structure and the landscape or the structure, landscape, and furniture inside the building? What your asking for is rather simple to build.

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