1000 Friends Added breaks roblox

i’ve added 1000 people on my live stream just for fun because roblox updated their friend limit.

but i really regret doing this, it really breaks my performance when in-game.
( 1920x1080 144hz,
nvidia geforce gtx 1650,
16 gb ram,
11th gen intel core i5-11400F 2.60 GHZ)

and not only that, it unfriended(?) half of my friend list, but didnt?
for example:

i was friends with this guy

and technically i am friends with him but not?

i don’t think roblox should’ve make the friend limit 1000 before testing and double checking if everything is alright.
thank you!

Expected behavior

  1. Fix the performance when having a lot of friends
  2. Fix the visual bug issue
  3. Reduce the friend limit for now


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i searched for keyword 1000 friends so i didnt find it

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The 1000 friends breaking the friends list yes but i guess the performance issue wasn’t reported yet unless im missing something

Did you think this trough before asking to lower friend limit?

What do you expect to happen to users who have 1000 friends, and the limit is changed to a lower one

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

I found, that if you have more than 500 friends, oldest friends will be show as non-friend.