About Us
Ming Media AB is a studio based in Sweden. Some of our notable projects include Pick A Side, Egg Farm Simulator, Would You Rather and Action!.
About Horse Valley 2
Horse Valley was our first game and hit the front page on its release 2016. We’ve learnt alot since then and hope to bring our newfound experience to the second installment Horse Valley 2.
The Job
We are looking to contract 2D artists that can design skins for our in-game horse models. In Horse Valley 2, each breed is identified by a unique skin. This skin is created as a 2D texture file to be applied to the 3D horse model, also known as “retexturing”.
Here are some examples of our skins and horse model:
The texturing can be done by taking the original texture and editing/drawing on top of it using a program such as Photoshop. This is what the texture looks like:
We will provide you with a list of breeds and references; the horse model can be provided as well if you prefer to texture in a 3D environment.
10,000 - 20,000 Robux per skin, depending on quality and time spent.
Contact Us
Discord: Ming#0888
Twitter: @MingRBLX
Or directly message @SirMing on the Dev Forums
Include examples of graphic design work you’ve done, specifically texture work you’ve done for other 3D models.