[10k-100k Robuxs per task] Hiring Experienced Scripters and UI Designer

About Us

Hi there, my name is DevConX. I am the founder and CEO of Developers Inc Studios. We have been contracted to script a game based off of fallout.

The Team

@DevConX - Project Lead/CEO

@username - Inventory System Scripter

@username - Gun System Scripter

@username - Mini-Map Scripter

@username - UI Designer.

You can see our progress so far here: ☢️Fallout: Mojave Desert - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for up to 3 professional scripters to join our team. We expect all scripts to be readable and easy to edit should we need to change something later on. Good communication skills are expected; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

Inventory System Details


  • The player will be able to carry as many items as they want up until they reach the max weight limit.

  • At certain locations the player will be able to store items in “containers” up to a certain max container storage weight.

  • Players who buy a gamepass will be able to access this storage system from anywhere in the world and store items.

  • Must script the system to be able to easily add the weight value of a tool via a number value within the tool.

  • All items in storage both on the player and in containers must save once the player leaves the game and load once the player joins.


For UI design we are looking for something similar to this:


The base pay for this system is 25k Robuxs however we can negotiate higher pay based on how it turns out.


3 weeks total;

2 weeks to create the system.

1 week to test and tweak the system.

Gun System Details

The gun system MUST be compatible with both R6 and R15

We are looking for a gun system that is both 1st person and 3rd person OTS.

Remember we are basing this gun system off of fallout so it should resemble the functionality of it.


  • Must work with both R6 AND R15 players.

  • System must have the ability to automatically detect the player’s rig type.

  • Must be easy to read and edit.

  • Must be easy to implement with our current gun models.

  • Must have the ability to toggle 1st person and 3rd person.

  • When in 3rd person must be able to toggle which shoulder to set the camera to. (Left or Right)

  • Must be able to fire the bullet as 1 of 2 models based on the bullet type.

  • Accuracy should increase or decrease based on if they are crouched or standing still.

  • Should zoom in when the right mouse is being held down.

  • Must have all gun variables setup using a folder. Variables will include;



Fire type, (Full auto, Semi auto, and shotgun)

Bullet Type, (Laser, Bullet)

Fire rate,

Weight, (You wont need to do anything with this it is for the Inventory system)

Magazine size.


For the UI as stated before we are looking to base the gun system off of fallout so for the UI we want to base the UI design off of fallout 4.


The base pay for this system is 50k Robuxs however we can negotiate higher pay based on how it turns out.


1 month total;

3 weeks to create the system.

1 week for testing and tweaking.

Mini-Map Details

This position is still being figured out; we will update this topic when it has officially opened.

If you would like to be considered for this position please dm me with past examples of mini-maps you have made.


Inventory System Requirements

Scripting experience of at least 1 year.

At least 5 examples of past work.

Readable scripts.

Ability to meet deadlines.

Good grammar.

Optional Extras

Experience in UI design of at least 1 year.

Gun System Requirements

Scripting experience of at least 2 years.

Ability to make a First AND Third person gun system.

At least 5 examples of past work.

Readable scripts.

Ability to meet deadlines.

Good grammar.

Optional Extras

Past experience in making OTS gun systems.

Minimap System Requirements

Scripting experience of at least 1 year.

Ability to make and script a functioning Mini-Map.

At least 5 examples of past work.

Readable scripts.

Ability to meet deadlines.

Good grammar.

Our game needs at least 30 new assets completed by the end of this month. We expect each asset will take between 1-2 hours.


We will be paying in Robuxs through group funds, so if you are interested in applying you MUST join this group so you can be paid without having to wait for the cooldown once the product is done.

For payment you will be paid 50% of the total cost once completed and we agree it is good enough for what we need, then once you send the file and all of its contents and we approve and confirm it works you will be sent the rest.

To view the base pay for each system please view them in the details tab.

Contact Us

When contacting you must read and ensure you meet all the requirements necessary.

You can DM me on Discord, when dming me please send me a friend request and ensure your DMs are open. I will not accept your friend request until you are approved for hire. My DMs are open so you do not need to friend me to DM me.

When dming me you must including the following information;

  • The position you are applying for,

  • Link to your portfolio, (Must be a trusted site or a devforum portfolio)

  • Why you should be chosen for the position over others,

  • Your time zone and what days and time you can work,

  • Any other relevant information you feel I should know.

  • NOTE: If you do not qualify for the minimum time requirement it can be waived based on your portfolio.

  • NOTE: If you meet the optional requirements it will increase your chances of being hired.

  • NOTE: If you do not provide all information requested your application will be instantly declined!

You can dm me on discord at DevConX#5141

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Good luck to all that apply! :slight_smile:

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