[% + 10k] Scripter + UI designer for the U.S. Supreme Court

About Us

Hello! My name is Roman and I’ve been on Roblox since '15. I’ve been working on my game for 3 months now, and have barely advertised at all, and it just reached a new milestone! 1,700+ visits. The game has been a solo project, but I’ve been slowly looking to assemble a team of people to assist me.

The Team

@romqxn Project manager, builder, scripter, UI designer
@you Scripter
@you UI designer

You can see our progress so far here: Supreme Court - Roblox

About The Job


We need a scripter who is able to work on future updates, as well as work on optimizing and fixing current code.

UI Designer

We need a designer who is able to work on future updates, as well as work on re-doing our current UIs


We are paying % from 5%-30% + 10k in the future

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: roman!#7322
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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