[15-30K R$] Need a scripter for a Boss Battle game!

About the Team
Hello there, the team you’ll be working under is essentially called “Glowify” but it’s basically a chain or brand of other groups such as Glowify Studios, Glowify Games etc. The team will consist of me, you and a modeler eventually. I myself has contributed to over 10,000,000+ visits combined!

About the Job
The position will be long-term. I expect you to be determined, motivated, activley communicating with fairly good english skills along with professional experience within scripting. The release date is something we’d both agree on but my initial plan as of now would be sometime in May or June. I will check up on development every day to make sure progress is going forward and I don’t want anyone applying for the job if they’re not intending on finishing the game, which has happend multiple times for me.

I will explain how the game will work once you’ve contacted me, but a short summary would be; you fight different bosses depending on your level, you gain xp and gold by defeating them and you buy new weapons which deal more damage. You can also buy new cosmetic skins for your weapons. Each time you advance into a new arena, the boss will deal more damage, have more health and give more loot (gold and xp).

The payment would include around 15,000 to over 30,000 R$ which will obviously be negotiable. And due to the job being long-term, I will be adding you onto a percentage of around 20%. If I decide to reduce or increase the amount of work needed, your payment will be altered in the correct direction.

Contact me
If you’re interested in taking part in this project, I would prefer to be contacted via discord which would be gloows#0001. Contacting me via discord would result in me responding immediately.

Thanks for reading! :grin:


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