Hello! My name is @programher or Caleb. I am currently the Founder of a group called Oakton County along with my Co-Founder @DevFile. We are currently looking to fill our development team with talented developers who are able to effectively complete tasks. We have set aside about 150,000 Robux or USD for developers and advertisements.
Development Team & Open Positions
@DevFile - Founder, Project Manager
@programher - Founder, Project Manager & Programmer
@D355_A - Head Developer, Builder
@iiElectricRBLX - Head Developer, Builder
@Anthony1374 - Head Developer, Programmer
@Linked_13 - Developer, Clothing Designer
You - Developer, Graphics Designer
Specific Payments
Payments and payment methods will be discussed on contact. The currently available methods are ROBUX and USD.
Discord: caleb#2647
If you have any questions or concerns, please comment them below.