[EOL] Wolfite's Obby System - Easily make an obby

:warning: WOS IS END OF LIFE, no support or future updates (including bug fixes and patches) will be provided.

The old post is archived below:


:warning: | New Roblox games now have workspace.StreamingEnabled by default, WOS does not support StreamingEnabled. You can disable it under the Properties Window from Workspace.

Hey, developers!

I’ve recently made my own Obby System with way over 65 customizable options and I’m very excited to share this with you all!

Most recent update: v0.8.6: Updated icons to support new experience controls (Topbar Plus 3.x.x)


(This isn’t all the features!)

  • Stage selector
  • Reached checkpoint colour (customizable)
  • Checkpoint animation (customizable)
  • Progress bar
  • Easy Chat Tags
  • Stage Indicator (Stage arrow)
  • Easy monetization (Easy mode, gravity/speed/fusion coil/heal coil & skip stage)*
  • Redacted Strings*
  • Banned Users
  • Badges
  • System Messages
  • Join And Leave System Messages
  • Settings (Shadow, Blur, Hide UI, more with Premium)
  • Quick Chat Commands (only with Text Chat Service)
  • Draggable Mobile Shiftlock button. (Hold for 0.7s, then drag)

and More!

*Models used for this feature
Mobile Shiftlock model adapted from @/ Ma1e

Why should you use this model instead of other free Obby Systems?

  • Wolfite’s Obby System (WOS) has more available customization options compared to other systems.
  • WOS provides easy monetization methods found in many modern DCO’s.
  • WOS provides the most features out of any obby system! (as of now)

(DCO = Difficulty Chart Obby)

v0.8.6 Summary

A summary is available within the model under the Info script

Wolfite's Obby System | Learn More | Documentation | Get Premium | v0.8.6 P.S: Let me know how WOS can be improved!

Successful games using WOS:
https://rblx.games/10384955640 (3M+ Visits)
https://rblx.games/8216515640 (300K+ Visits)

WOS is intended to be a base system with additions made by the developer, these games have such modifications. The same success or quality is in no way guaranteed.

More statistics here.

:warning: If you have any concerns, You can reach me here:
Discord server (preferred)

Related: Wolfite's Donation Board (outdated/archived)

How can I use the skip stage thing? I cant find it.

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Skip stage (ID) is at Line 51 in Configurations. Make sure you have SkipStageButton set to “on” at line 32 as well!


Its turned on but there is no skip stage button

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It appears in testing / in game only.
P.S: Make sure to remove the spawn location because it overrides the checkpoints


Ah, I dont like this type of buttons because players don’t click them that often or don’t see them.
Is there a option to make those buttons a normal GUI button?


Unfortunately not as of now. You’ll have to make your own if you want It to be different or wait until I add this as a feature. (I’ve just made that rn, but you’ll have replace the gui and configurations with the new ones)

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Another suggestion:
Moving parts (up and down as well)

  • Checkpoint sound
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Thanks for that idea! However, checkpoint sound effect is already a feature at line 28 in ‘Configurations’!


how easy is it to remove the monetization stuff?

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Just don’t edit the monetization section and change SkipStageID to 0.

okay, but I wanted to remove it


This will automatically disable monetisation features, if you wish to completely remove them then make sure to make ‘SkipStageButton’ = “off”.

P.S. if you mean you wish to erase all traces of monetisation, you can find the main monetisation handler (‘Other’) in ServerScriptService and figure it out from there.

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What about adding a progress bar?

And an arrow over the next checkpoint (toggable ofc)


Hmmm maybe, I have already developed these features for other games, I’ll see!

Edit: Added in v0.5


How could you make it so the checkpoint animation played when any part is touched, only looking for the animation nothing else.


This model is for Obbies, not animation. However, you could look through the local effects yourself.


Hey there WWolfite!

I am using your system in my game but, the skip stage is not working, here is a vid:
robloxapp-20220124-1752430.wmv (685.1 KB)

Help would be greatly appreciated, also here is the game if you want to test: Dudley's Difficulty Chart Obby [BETA WIP] - Roblox

Regards, Alt_youlzr

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This would happen if you already have another script using the ProcessReceipt function. (i.e. Donation leaderboard.)

Brilliant, though I won’t use it as I already know how to make one but it will surely help others

It would be nice if you added an obby panel which in the selected people can only use and it can make you select stages, kick or ban players and etc.