[1.5k] Looking for a UI Designer!

:hammer_and_wrench: About The Project

Hi Developers!
I am looking for a UI Designer to create an Admin Panel for my game. You will go off a design that will be provided to you. Sadly, I don’t quite think I am good enough to make this panel. You are NOT required to code the panel, but I do expect you to organize the space of the panel nicely. Such as naming the frames, etc.

:moneybag: Payment

You will recieve anywhere from 0 - 1,500 for the design of the admin panel.

:desktop_computer: Contact

You can contact me through 2 ways. Please DM me through Devforum messages or through my discord. However, if you add me through discord, I do request that you send me a message here with your contact information. I’ve got a bit too many friend requests to sort out who is new or old.

:slightly_smiling_face: Thanks!

My discord is Jordan;#4771! Thanks for reading. :slight_smile:

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