About The Job
I’m looking for a ready-made simulator pet system that can be easily implemented into a pre-existing game. The following are the main features that I need:
Pet Inventory.
E to open an egg.
T to auto open (a gamepass)
R to open three eggs at a time ( a gamepass)
Data store
A gamepass to be able to equip more pets at a time and also a gamepass that gives you more storage.
Pets should give a multiplier
A dev product egg and dev product pets.
If you have 5 of the same pet you can evolve it (combine into one better pet) that gives 3x all of the stats.
Option to sort by best and a name search.
More or less just the exact same pet system as this one: [5000X] Blade Throwing Simulator - Roblox
I’m paying 15,000 R$ for the pet system. Payment is available in Robux (group funds) or the DevEx equivalent through PayPal.
Contact Us
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord(preferred) at: Rudy Gobert = STINKER!!!#7320
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for reading!