Hello there! Have you ever wanted your very own queue system for your Theme park-like what’s seen in:
Then look no further. Today I’m putting my very own queue system for sale to everyone willing to buy. This is one of the most reliable and efficient queue systems out there running almost completely on the server leaving no room for exploits. It is modular, customizable, and incredibly easy to set up. Everything is also handled really easily making it super easy to fit any existing ride systems. The queue also allows for a fast pass, which works on a one-line system meaning no rebuilding of queues even though you want a special line for fast pass holders. The exact same queue system is running inside the Magic Kingdom Theme Park right now and has been battle-tested there ever since the park’s release, sustaining 3 months and 3.3M+ visits without a hiccup. If you want to see it in action for yourself plz visit the link above ^
How to Use
The System is built with user simplicity in mind and is incredibly easy to set up, customize, and use. There is no need to change any gate systems or ride systems, everything can tie inn easily with this queue.
Setting up
To install this system into your ride you will get 2 packages. The first one is the main handler and is placed inside ServerScriptService.
The second one is the asset package:
This one contains all the assets needed to make the system work. Where they all need to be placed are specified in the package details.
The queue system folder contains all the nodes that need to be placed since the queue is all run on pathfinding, this means that you don’t have to place 5 million nodes lining out the entire queue. You will only need these 4 nodes.
Start and endpoint is where the queue starts and ends. The SpawnArea is where the player gets teleported if he fails to enter the ride. Holding area is where the players get teleported when it’s their turn to enter the ride. Notes: “StartPoint should be tall so players cannot jump over them but cannot be over 4.85 studds tall in Y-axis.”
If you want to control how the line bends and moves then use invisible walls walling in the area where the players should be walking. In the PathfindingModule you can find a commented outline like this:
If you remove the commentation on this line you can use this to see where the pathfinding as calculated your queue.
This is where all the customization elements come in, most of the variables are commented and should be very self-explanatory to what they do:
There are 2 methods of detecting if the player has entered the ride or not, which is seat or Raycast. If using seat then the script just simply checks if the player is seated. But if you are using the Raycast method in cases of a seatless ride, then you should make the HoldingArea Node stretch across the entire holding area that needs clearing after ride has gone. This method checks if the player is standing on the HoldingArea node and if so teleports them back to the start.
Connecting to existing gate and ride systems
Underneath the QueSystem, you can find the QueRoundEvent This is a bindable event that you can fire from the server by any of your other gate/ride scripts The commands are:
--Activates New round, teleports the players at the front of the line into the holding area.
--Clears the holding area of AFK players who did not enter the ride
Purchase and permissions
On the purchase of the system for 15k Robux or the USD equivalent on Paypal, you will receive the 2 packages and a license giving you the right to use the system indefinitely.
The source code is under the copyright of myself, any reselling or sharing of this code to people who do not own this license will receive a DMCA takedown on their game for using copyrighted code without permission.