How to send a Discord webhook through Roblox

No. A rate limit was added. I fixed it.

This is getting tedious, you clearly don’t know what you’re on about, and yes I did create it and there is no point lying through your teeth telling me you got in contact with my team when I don’t see a ticket. And the webhooks enable command customises the username and avatar of the bot, if you don’t believe me, here is the source code.

Doesn’t look legit and don’t seem to be a useful picture. I don’t have to believe you, since you don’t understand the simple concept of debounce.

And also, is might get deprecated, you’ll have to change recode it all to javascript if you are truly the owner.

Your rate limite doesn’t work, you don’t understand the concept of debounce.

Discord.PY isn’t getting deprecated, and if it does I could just make my own library, you clearly don’t have a clue what you’re on about so I suggest you stop talking. :+1:

Adding a wait does not rate-limit, it just pushes the function to be run at a later time, with the exact same pattern. Here is a proper but simple rate-limiter, which schedules functions to be called at a certain rate.

local Schedule = {}
local rate = 1.5
local function AddToSchedule(func,...)
	while #Schedule > 0 do

Just run the AddToSchedule function with the input of the function to schedule and the arguements to that function. The rate is determined by the variable: rate.

Example usage:

local Schedule = {}
local rate = 1
local function AddToSchedule(func,...)
	while #Schedule > 0 do

local function test(...)




Yep, it isn’t, it is getting discontinued though, is the best alternative, I use it.

Thank you for this, I’ll take a look into it later. Appreciate it homie.

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Don’t take a look later, take a look now and edit your solution on this post so that people who eventually uses this will have a working solution instead of the current unworking at all solution you’ve pushed.


You know, an easy way you could prove you own the bot is a credits section on the website!

I have credit sections in the games I work on, and although I do believe you own the bot, others do not, so this might be something to consider.

seems too much, make it 10 minutes.

Ratelimit got removed a while back

that is bad as your violating discord Ratelimits and they might ban you

what? violating a ratelimit won’t get your account banned, also have you not heard of something called proxies?

… discord literally put that in their TOS.

TOS reading is required.

Discord only allows proxies which has a ratelimit to not humilate discord.

When you violate a rate limit, your given a timeout. It is IP relative and doesn’t link back to an account.

Thats only true for proxies. Proxies implemented that.

If you keep hitting this limit you get a risk of ur account banned. And the abusers one day will get you banned by spammng your proxy. Now save your account before they do so.

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Lol, I don’t think you understand how this works. My account will not be banned since it’s not a direct link of my account. It’s being requested by an IP, not an account, so there is no way of them either finding out my account even if they did.

Do you know that this way your proxy will end up getting rate limited or even banned from the discord api. Unless this is a rotating proxy i wouldn’t recommend using it as most of the time it can be rate limited

And to be honest not having a rate limit can cause an overload of your system and slow it down a lot but also if this proxy is not a rotating one the ip can get rate limited because a user spams your api and yours spams discord’s making the proxy unable to work for other users as well

So you quite literally just explained a proxy? It’s definitely dangerous to use a webhook though, its rate limited to 30 webhook triggers per minute (can result in things not working etc.) - using a discord bot is way safer as that’s not capped.

Discord did not, even in developer portal you can see that the IP you’re overloading from is simply going to be temporarily restricted, which occurs when 10000 requests are sent within 10 minutes that resulted in an error code like for example 401, 403, 404, and 429.

Proxies are irrelevant unless you’re planning to make tens of them