16:9 and 4:3 Aspect Ratio

Did you ever want to give your game that “cinematic” look with a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio like in the movies? Just use these two images!

I’ve had these two for a bit now on the marketplace but I thought why not make a developer form post about them.

It’s as easy as adding an ImageFrame, setting the AnchorePoint to (0.5,0.5), Position to (0.5, 0, 0.5, 0), and Size to (1, 0, 1, 0). Using a single image instead of trying to recreate them using Frames can ensure they are even on every device.

Use of 4:3 Ratio:

Use of 16:9 Ratio (Slightly Modified):



I don’t really get the point of this…


I don’t see the 4:3 aspect ratio having a lot of use, but I can see how the 16:9 one could be used for cinematics, looks good

there’s actually a few games that could have the 4:3 aspect ratio if you think about it.

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It is more for aesthetic purposes than anything else. Some people won’t see a use for this but in the community which inspired me to begin developing on Roblox, they are more likely to be the type of developer to find a use.

I could see how this could be useful and I might use it. I’ll use it for my ““fancy”” cinematics.


This image isn’t 16:9. Fullscreen without black bars would be 16:9.

I don’t see a very good use case for it. Is it just the actual ratio of 16:9 stored in a UIAspectRatioConstraint?

Arbitrarily restricting how much a player can see on their screen is a really bad idea just to make it feel more “cinematic”.

Agreed, the only use case I can see for something like this is if you’re designing cinematics and camera shots for a specific frame size (like how some movies use 2.39:1, others use 1.85:1, etc). The 16:9 one isn’t even true 16:9, it’s a wider ratio.