17+ Experiences Can Add Support for Strong Language

This is understandable, since people may want to enjoy a game without getting exposed to profanity

(Plus makes yter’s lives easier if they’re kid friendly and have to edit out stuff in a game rated 17+)


Edit: This feature was added to desktop and web today.

Will Support for Strong language be shown somewhere in the games description for desktop app and website? So that we can know which games have it enabled and which don’t.

Like a addition to the age restriction message:



I wonder if a lot of people breaking these “rules” (like they can’t keep it civil, etc) in the game, will it affect the developer(s) of the said game? Anyway nice update, on the behalf of the community, suffering from hashtags.


One of the screenshots in the original post answers your question, I believe


another peak update, i see another win from roblox :clap:

however i need to know, am i allowed to include swear words within a table/function name inside of scripts, localscripts and modulescripts?


Great to see Roblox make it so some explicit language is open to older people on the platform!

Although, are there any plans in the future to open the chat up into more age groups? Maybe something like:

All Ages Chat: Safest most filtered text chat.

13+ Chat: Less filtered text chat compared to All Ages text chat.

17+ Chat: Everything said in this topic.


To be fair, I have a feeling they are legally mandated to do so by COPPA.

Most services (Discord, YouTube, Twitter) that don’t filter text are generally 13+ only and require email verification. By contrast, Roblox allows anyone to sign-up, and you don’t even need to register any emails.

There would have to be a fundamental division between Roblox <13 and Roblox 13+ as a service if ID-verification is to be removed, similar to how <13 users are supposed to only have access to YouTube Kids (although this is routinely ignored). But this is just some speculation and I am not a lawyer.

Either way, I totally understand and agree why many are skeptical on handing over their information, given Roblox’s track record.


Good update, and honestly was really to be expected. I can see why many are annoyed though, and this reply in particular stood with me, since I really believe not id-verified people are missing out on “verification” marks, more asset slots for audios, public models, plugins and decals, better access on talent hub and more, however I don’t think that’s really much of an issue having known the recent breach happening to the tipalti company. id-verifying is risky because you never know if the company Roblox gets help from will get breached or no, so i’d say not being able to swear in a video game isnt as big of a deal as having your id leaked to the public with all your personal data.

I really agree that nothing will make it worthy of id-verifying on a platform with so many breaches happening in a span of 2-3 years


now release voice chat out of beta god damn
also ill use this in june when i finally turn 17


When is this coming to 13+ experiences?


why would it ever come to 13+?


Because only like 50 people are realistically using their ID to verify. 13 is also the age most people start swearing anyways, and even if not swearing, they seriously need to relax the chat filter for these ages.


people: hey can we stop censoring things like “discord” its a bit annoying and sometimes counterproductive
roblox: you know what . . ?? [throws chat filter out window] HAVE FUN


The chat filter was probably made manually at this point and I feel sorry for anyone who had to type all this stuff out at this point, but it’s wayyy too strict.


I do 100% agree with that! I started around 12.


I see that strong language is allowed so long as it’s not directed at a person.

Does this mean that an NPC can swear at an NPC? Likewise, can you have a dialog box option where the player can swear at an NPC, since there is no real person being sworn at?


currently they’re testing out “strong language” to 17+ users as a priority and maybe in the future we will see a some-what relaxed filter for 13+

as dan said above, even if they do relax the filter for 13+, it WILL require you to verify your id no matter what. COPPA is going to apply to any account that is not id verified OR <13 since roblox is a platform where anyone can sign up.


no (for now), only user communications. its stated here:


Finally one step closer to remaking old Call of Duty lobbies.


I don’t think so. That looks like it’s saying “don’t upload an image with strong language, or audio with strong language.” I don’t interpret that as a prohibition on an ingame text dialog including strong language.

However, after looking more closely at the screenshots of the questionnaire, it appears to imply that NPCs can in fact swear, but not at another NPC or character at all.

It says “Example: A non-playable character (NPC) uses the f-word in your experience, but the obscenity isn’t directed towards another character”