17+ "Strong Language" is being ignored

I’ve received multiple reports of users in 17+ games having their chat filtered and receiving moderation actions for using ANY profanity. This didn’t used to be the case.

Link: Neighbors 🔊 [17+] - Roblox


The filter has been very sensitive in <17 games as well, maybe it’s related?


Thank you for your report!

Are there any specific examples you can provide of chat that’s being filtered or punished incorrectly?


I’m a developer for the game and got banned for using strong language which was how we found out, before you could swear in the text chat and now it filters any kind of strong language, same with VC and I had instantly gotten VC banned for it (wasn’t towards anyone just in general, and for text chat it was texting purposes)

Edit: This is assuming that the strong language setting isn’t working correctly or something along those lines


Thanks again for reporting the issue and providing additional context. After further review, 17+ experiences appear to be working as intended.

If you believe your account was moderated incorrectly, please see https://roblox.com/support to file an appeal.

i want to add to this report, the 17+ “strong language” is also being ignored by textchatservice, it tags the F and S word. however legacychat works as intended allowing these words threw. also find that people are getting vc banned for those words if textchatservice is enabled but not if legacychat is enabled so i am now assuming that the vc moderation is connected to the type of chat you have, i dont want to use legacy just so people can use strong language and i shouldnt have to, it should work on the newer textchatservice. whats going on here?