[18K Robux!] Pets RPG Game Map and Interiors!

Pet City Map :earth_africa:

After completing your job, we have a job opportunity for you! :eyes:

:dog: What are we looking for?

  • A well-designed map, with some colorful colors that fit our in-game pets and our UI colors (our game is under development so weโ€™ll give you image references once you accept this job)!
  • A unique map that keeps the players engaged.

:star2: What should the map have?

  • The Map Center, where the players can meet each other (to trade/ interact),
  • A Grocery Shop and its interior (make it so we can make it a Job),
  • An Egg Shop and its interior,
  • A restaurant and its interior (include a kitchen, so we can make it a Job),
  • Some Lakes/ rivers around the map since we want to add fishing,
  • A neighborhood for the player houses,
  • Outdoor areas where the players can meet (like a Beach, or a Park)

:exclamation:Important Details!

  • The map lighting must fit it!
  • The interiors must be separated from the original build! (to make the game more performant),
  • The neighborhood is left to your choice (whether it is separated from the map or not).

:briefcase: Job Opportunity

  • This is a BIG project, that we want to expand even further so we would love to hire you as our builder at the end of your job, (receiving by commissions or even by percentage - %).

:star: We are looking for:

  • Experienced Builders with a large portfolio! (The experience years, arenโ€™t the key point here, we want talented people)
  • Organized Builders, that can deliver a grouped work to be easier to expand in the future.
  • An available Builder that can keep in contact with the team for further updates.

The payment? 18K Robux! :money_mouth_face:

Which may/will even increase based on the delivered work! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

The payment will be made through a game pass/ shirt purchase, we will cover the tax. :sunglasses:

Did we catch your attention? :eyes:

Apply here! (Talent Hub Link)


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