1900's television crackle effect

Hello Developers,

I am currently working on a 2D game, and I am trying to make a sort of static crackle effect that plays along the screen a bit like in Cuphead a 1930’s cartoon type looking game.
And in Cuphead a little static line effect plays along the screen. (I mean the lines and dots that appear all around the screen.)
Please watch and look carefully.

In the video if you look carefully you can see lines that appear and disappear around the screen.

If any of you know how I could make this or if you know how to make it please tell me.

Cheers, RTC


Add a translucent line to the GUI.

Hide the line
Wait a random second.
Place the line in random location.
Wait a random second.
Loop this.

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Spritesheets may work, depending on if you want it to be visibly looped

Yes I would like them to change position.

Great, but how do I script that, I am not a scripter.

I will make a sample and send it to you
please wait

crackle.rbxl (22.9 KB)

I made sample for you


Could this work if I changed it to a circle?

Should it works. maybe.
But be careful, the verticals are not random.

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If I want to add more than 1 do I just rename the next one the number up from the other?

If it is set to 1 or more, it will go off the screen, but if that is all right, it is ok.

EDIT: If it’s time, it’s ok.

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It’s working all good, but another issue not regarding this is whenever I spawn in I’m in first person.

In this regard I recommend creating another topic.

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Will do thanks for all the help.

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