[1K Robux] Looking for someone to teach me how to import UI into Studio and Scale


I’m Raze, a UI designer on this platform for over 2+ Years.

I am looking for someone to help teach me how to properly import UI’s and scale them in studio accordingly (Must be perfectly centered and scaled on all devices) and using the quickest method possible for high scale jobs. (I would export the UI’s from Photoshop as .PNG images and then import them into studio.) I’d prefer if there is an easy large quantity but efficient way to import my .PNG images in at once and an easy way to scale them as I have issues scaling my UIs, and they are not always in the center on all devices.

Also, I need this done via a discord call preferably, so you can add me on discord if possible at: Raze#9745

I will pay you 1K Robux (But you must have professional experience in this and know what you’re doing.) I know this is probably one of the most basic and easiest things to be done on Studio but i’m really a beginner to studio, I’m more of a designer/photoshop guy.

Have a nice day :cowboy_hat_face:

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