2 cursors in studio

why do i have two cursors on my screen? also my games wont load in studio


Find out if this is only in one place in Studio, or if it’s in all of your places.

You can close out of Studio and restart it to see if that clears up the issue.
If that doesn’t work then try uninstalling and installing Studio. It may be a glitch in the Studio files on your computer.

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i tried uninstalling and even restarting my pc but still wont load my games

Do you have any Plugins or free models from the Toolbox that you’ve installed recently?

I had this mouse issue yesterday and for me, it seemed to fix after I restarted studio. As for your games not opening, I’m not sure.

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Yeah, just had this issue and closing and re-opening roblox worked for me.

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i had to update my gpu drivers and the games finally showed up