I’m not exactly sure what I did to cause this but I have 2 instances of studio open atm, I went to find a variable in one window then went to the do the same and noticed the finder’s are different, one appears to be a factory default finder :o
EDIT: Uh oh I bugged studio, its happening on all studios now.
EDIT: 2 Okay now something else is going wrong, I’m unable to use Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 in any script after right clicking in-studio for the first time… Uh, whats going on?
The left side of the image is the normal text finder, this was what it used to look like.
The right side of the image is what the text finder now looks like in every instance of studio.
I’m unable to search for anything with the “new” finder, I cannot find the words “local” even when the word “local” is the first word in the script. I have no idea what caused the “new” finder to appear and not the old one (the left side of the image is the old one), all I did was open a second instance of studio and press Ctrl+F to find something in another script in another file. After that I am permantly stuck with the “new” finder, and right after that I am having weird things happen with UserInputService, after right clicking for the first time in-game, in-play-solo or in a studio client, I cannot detect any other right clicks and all mouse properties are reseted. (Which I don’t have coded, it also happens in a non-scripted place)
I literally cannot explain anything better then that, if you’re not seeing what I’m talking about in the second image, zoom in and look in the top-right corner of the script editor of the right side of the image then look at the central part of the left side of the image. Two very big different things.
The new finder isn’t a bug. Dunno why you think it needs to be fixed back to being the old finder. It’s working fine for me. Repro on the issue where you’re unable to search for things?
The MouseButton2 issue sounds unrelated. Repro?
Also have you tried restarting? There was an input update that was reverted. You may be running an outdated version now.
All of my friends are showing me the finder thats in the left side of the image, I’ve even asked them to uninstall and reinstall studio, they all see this:
While I see this:
What are you seeing in studio when you’re in script editor when you press Ctrl+F? Because I’m pretty sure you are not seeing what I see.
I am able to search, just not with enter. Though I’m unable to exit the searcher unless I manually hit the little x button, unlike before where pressing esc will close out of it.
Though there was no studio update… why did it all of a sudden change?
As for UIS, it seems to be back to normal… I’m not sure what caused it to bug out to begin with.
Meh – I’m not much of a fan on the new interface. In every single other program I use, ctrl+f pops up a window and not that corner widget. Even if by only a little, it’s kind of disrupting to the workflow I’m used to. The icons aren’t intuitive (I don’t know what they mean just by looking at them, unlike the plain text found in the other interface), and there’s no way to permanently choose which direction the words are found in. With the other interface I could tell it to search upwards and then continually press enter to keep going up, but with the current interface I have to spam-click the left arrow button – the current interface isn’t very keyboard-friendly. As ProfBeetle mentioned, I’m not able to use enter to go to the next result, but I’m assuming that’s a bug.
Edit: Also, another bug. If I try to type with the find widget open, it snaps my cursor back to the end of the first result. Pretty annoying, so I hope it can be fixed soon.
I think you’re overestimating the value of having a window covering half of the content you’re searching through. I agree about the icons but they do have tooltips. I really prefer the new finder, and the highlighting is way cool.
Yeah, highlighting is snazzy – makes it a lot easier to find results. I remember occasionally not being able to find a result because it was blending in with the rest of the text.
There’s plenty of room for the whole words though:
If I had to pick between something I immediately knew how to use at glance (above screenshot) or having to waste time mousing over each icon, waiting for the tooltip to pop up, so I could figure out what each icon did, I’d pick the former without batting an eye. The new widget should definitely display the entire word there instead of using icons+tooltips.
Half is a serious overstatement. Yeah, sometimes it’d be covering what I needed, but that happens once in a blue moon, speaking from personal experience. If the icons in the widget were expanded into text (much much more usable than icons) then there’d really be no difference for me and I’d actually prefer the current widget because of highlighting vs no highlighting, but until those icons are expanded into something I can distinguish from first glance, every now and then having a search result covered is much more bearable than having to fiddle with the widget every time I want to use one of the filters.
FYI, for anyone who wants to revert back to the old one until the bugs / unintuitive icons are addressed, go to your studio folder (one with RobloxStudioBeta.exe) (it’s either in C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions or %localappdata%\Roblox\Versions), create a folder called “ClientSettings”, create a file in that folder called “ClientAppSettings.json”, and save the file’s contents as: