[2.0] WCS - A combat system framework

so something like this?

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pretty much yeah


When I use multiple parameters in Skill:Start() only the first one prints its value when received by Skill:OnStartServer(), the rest print nil even if they aren’t. Is this intended behavior? The documentation says “OnStartServer(params)” which to me implies it accepts multiple.

This is intentional due to lua types, but will be changed in the next version

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Please use Timer:getCurrentEndDateTime().UnixTimestampMillis for the skills TimerEndTimestamp state so we can track when cooldowns are over to the millisecond.

new version is using GetServerTimeNow() (ig you can change it manually right now)

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What’s the best way to handle inputs with movesets? I want to handle moveset skills universally rather than on a per moveset basis but it seems dictionaries in luau are randomly sorted so i’m not sure what to do.

Is WCS.Character.CharacterCreated only called for the local player’s character on the client?

The statuses only change the humanoid properties like walkSpeed and JumpPower on the client, i mean, it doesn’t replicate to server, is this normal?, i am even requiring and using them on server, but it still doesn’t replicates


yes, this is intended behavior.

You can do something similar:

local keys = {Enum.KeyCode.One, Enum.KeyCode.Two}
function processInput(input)
    local index = table.find(keys, input.KeyCode)
    if not index then return end

    local constructor = MovesetObj.Skills[index]
    local skill = wcs_char:GetSkillFromConstructor(constructor)

MovesetObj can be retrieved using the following apis:

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how do you send constructor args in ApplyMoveset() or ApplySkillsFromMoveset()?

currently impossible, i’m still thinking about the design of this in v2

any estimates of when v2 coming?

relatively soon, within the next week if I’ll have enough free time
progress on v2 mainly can be seen here, if anyone is interested: GitHub - wad4444/WCS at v2


Excited for v2! Just started using refx and WCS to implement combat in my game.
Honestly the two best resources in devforum.
If you don’t mind, I am not very well-versed in English too, I ask that you just put all of your documentary into google translate and paste it in so people that struggle with English have a chance.
If you do not that is fine but I would love that!
Will show my progress when I have literally anything done.

Thank you wAD,


I am probably going to wait for a possible translation into Arabic because I cannot figure out what to do😭
This motivated me to improve my reading skills.
I also had an idea!
It would be nice if there was a example “skill”, “status effect” and handlers to make it easier for people to use this resource.
I don’t think it would be too hard, I only suggested it because it took me 1 hour to setup up basic things lol
Ref x is going well because I understand replication a lot more
I basically don’t understand anything I’m only 2 months in development.
Made a dash ability using refx and wcs.
Amazing handling!
Thank you for your resource again,

I’m not planning to do an arabic translation, sorry. However, I might release an open source game in the future using WCS, that would act as a good example.


That is ok :+1:,
A open source game sounds VERY cool!
That would help out a lot of people thank you wAD!