[2.0] WCS - A combat system framework

Another suggestion!, would be cool if we had more control about statuses, like, for example, the sprint status changes my speed, but what if for some reason i would need to tween the velocity?, and cancel it when i want, and so on, many cases for this

(tho, i really love the priority parameter, helps a lot)

You would do that in OnStartStart and OnEndClient

is there a way to deny a status effect on a character? like say a bleed effect is applied to whoever a sword hits but an enemy that doesn’t have blood so how would i deny the bleed effect?

You would just check if the enemy has blood before applying the status effect? This question seems pretty self explanatory

ok, and another example for my game i have let’s say a person that has complete resistance to a burn status and if i want to have a fireball that is high in level/skill i would like that to actually burn, should i apply grades to the status or skill?

The simplest way would be to have grades for both the fire resistance and the status effect. So like if the resistance is at grade 1 then it wouldnt work against a grade 2 burn effect.

where should i store the grade in the metadata? like in the skill when i create it?

Personally i like to use dictionaries when setting the metadata, as its easy to make changes to. So it would look something like this:

Self:SetMetadata({Grade = 3})

And you can place that wherever you want.

Also it would make more since to give the status effect a grade than the skill, since you could just pass a grade parameter through the constructor

:crossed_swords: WCS 2.0 :crossed_swords:

:checkered_flag: BREAKING CHANGES

  • You can now send unlimited amount of starter params.
  • Messages fully revamped! Check out the doc page for more info.
  • GetMoveset() now returns the actual moveset object instead of the name.
  • WCS will now cancel the execution thread of OnStartServer and OnStartClient if skill has ended.

:white_check_mark: NON-BREAKING CHANGES

  • New events: Character.SkillStarted, Character.SkillEnded, Character.StatusEffectStarted, Character.StatusEffectEnded
  • Janitor object, Player field and :End() method (Stop alias) for status effects.
  • Your status effects and skills can now extend from other classes.
  • Character.DisableSkills field.
  • You can now validate skill starter params using ParamValidators field.
  • WCS will serialize some of the data going through remote events to buffers.
  • New method of StatusEffect - GetDebounceEndTimestamp().

:books: Documentation

:ledger: Github Repository


Awesome update, a question, does WCS includes already a Janitor object i can use to clean the things i want?

Yeah, you can check that in the API

Thanks for the update! Looking forward to working with the revamped messages.

Quick question: are arguments no longer passed to the client in OnStartClient? I used to edit the argument table in OnStartServer to then pass to the client, but it seems that no longer works.

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Thank you waD for this blessed update. The changes to messages are heavenly, as I found the original sendMessageToClient and HandleServerMessage functions to be rather hard to work with.

Also, could you elaborate on what exactly the buffers on remote events are doing? That’s the only part I didn’t really get.


for my npc system do i still have to do the cleaning on it’s death? im creating a new wcscharacter with the npc

Partially serializing data that goes through remote events somewhat reduces network load


I don’t think so, I need to look into this

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My main issue after looking over v1 is was the lack of client to server and sever to client communication.

Will be starting use on Wcs now!

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:crossed_swords: WCS 2.0.2 :crossed_swords:

:gear: CHANGES :gear:

  • Migrated from @rbxts/reflex → @rbxts/charm with a custom syncer. This solves a lot of replication problems due to immediate behavior of charm in comparsion to reflex.
  • Added GetAllActiveSkills(), GetDebounceEndTimestamp() to Luau types.
  • Fixed GetMoveset() Luau types.

:books: Documentation

:ledger: Github Repository

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Very nice wAD,
It’s starting to shape up to be able to basically handle everything combat wise.

Right now I think it would be beneficial for you and users to label what type of scripts the server and client handlers need to be!
Documentation is solid just needs polishing.

Suggestion, can you add certain fields to the skill disabled boolean?, like you can select what skills can be enabled and what not, or a “except” parameter too, maybe