200 player game ideas?

As you might have seen Roblox made 200 player servers available for everyone.

So give me game ideas that would be fun with tons of (200) players.
Ideally keep it simple, because even empty baseplate with 200 players has some performance issues, and more stuff you add, more laggy it’s gonna get.
But even if your idea is not simple, shoot it, maybe I know a way to optimize it.

Why give me the ideas?
If you’re a developer and are planning to make such a game, you might understandably not want to give me the idea.

However if you are not a dev, or are not planning to make such a game, this is the perfect opportunity to see your good game idea come alive, as guess what, I am a dev, and I am planning to make such a game.


You could create a game like Stumble guys or Fall guys or something like that kind of games, a crazy game with a ton of players.

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At first, I would say an MMORPG, but like that requires quite a lot of details so that doesn’t work. There are some games I’ve seen on Roblox that depend on the amount of players for some event to happen. For example, if you have a certain player count in the server the box they are in grows bigger or something. I also recall a game I forgot the game that requires people to climb out of a hole but in order to do that they must spawn ragdolls by trying to reset like multiple times.

200 players gotta roll down a hill in hamster balls. LOL

An FPS game, but it uses only one raycast per click.

Sounds fun if you manage the performance.

Hippity dippity doppity, your idea is now my property :slight_smile:


You picked me!!!
(This sentence seems weird cause roblox mods refused to let me say what I wanted to say)