Your task(s) when working with us, will be to:
• Basic-Advanced CDZ Area
Sectors 1-4
Range of Unique Containment cells depending on the SCP
Advanced Hallway Design
Range of Rooms specifically designed for Departments
Some minor terrain work for environment design
Must be able to cope with the following style -
• Positive Attitude towards your work
• Decent attention towards the project, We expect 2-5 hours on a weekend and 1-3 hours on a weekday ( This is not a large scale job, by this time period we mean to simply work on the tasks, once they are done you will be paid, this won’t be a full time job, rather we may ask you to stay for future updates
• Previous experience within the SCPF genre, possibly worked for another Site/Area before.
• Able to work with other members of the team, this could include our Scripter, UI designer and other
• Able to work in an honest and co-operative environment
• Able to fulfill your employment with us ( Please do not quit half way through the project
• Positive and safe environment
• Fast and active team of Developers
• Decent payment, possibly able to raise when our game is released
• Support in your work
• Generally be quite attentive and encourage teamwork within the project
• Engaging and Active community for the upcoming group.
**Our current budget is set at 300$ and 50k Robux Funds
- We aim to pay you around 100-200$ or Up to 30,000 Funds but this is individually negotiable
This list may be inaccurate and a set price will be discussed on DISCORD
TWITTER @CatxtrophicRBLX
ROBLOX LucasCastellos
My preferred, and NEEDED method of contact will be DISCORD