[200$+/30k+] Hiring Advanced SCP Builder


Your task(s) when working with us, will be to:

• Basic-Advanced CDZ Area

  • Sectors 1-4

  • Range of Unique Containment cells depending on the SCP

  • Advanced Hallway Design

  • Range of Rooms specifically designed for Departments

  • Some minor terrain work for environment design

  • Must be able to cope with the following style -

• Positive Attitude towards your work

• Decent attention towards the project, We expect 2-5 hours on a weekend and 1-3 hours on a weekday ( This is not a large scale job, by this time period we mean to simply work on the tasks, once they are done you will be paid, this won’t be a full time job, rather we may ask you to stay for future updates

• Previous experience within the SCPF genre, possibly worked for another Site/Area before.

• Able to work with other members of the team, this could include our Scripter, UI designer and other

• Able to work in an honest and co-operative environment

• Able to fulfill your employment with us ( Please do not quit half way through the project

• Positive and safe environment

• Fast and active team of Developers

• Decent payment, possibly able to raise when our game is released

• Support in your work

• Generally be quite attentive and encourage teamwork within the project

• Engaging and Active community for the upcoming group.

**Our current budget is set at 300$ and 50k Robux Funds

  • We aim to pay you around 100-200$ or Up to 30,000 Funds but this is individually negotiable

This list may be inaccurate and a set price will be discussed on DISCORD


TWITTER @CatxtrophicRBLX
ROBLOX LucasCastellos

My preferred, and NEEDED method of contact will be DISCORD

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