2022 Grass Texture

I’m trying to copy the grass material to use in terrain.
The normal grass material allows for decorations (blades of grass). But I don’t want my entire map to have this decoration, so I want to make an override material that looks exactly like the normal grass.
The problem is that I cant manage to find the textures. This page should have the id’s of all the textures at “Base Materials”. But the grass texture id doesn’t seem to match the actual grass texture.

The left texture is from a Part with the grass texture. On the right you have terrain with the grass texture.
The middle one is an override terrain material with the texture id from the roblox page.

Does anyone know where I can get the actual grass texture from?


check roblox studio files, or i can send it to you.

Could you send me the directory? I haven’t been able to find anything useful in there

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Oh it’s in PlatformContent\pc\grass but it might be the old texture.

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em, sure i can get it, but the new 2022 grass is… bad.

I think so, it is the old grass im thinking…

Here, @treniboy

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Re-uploading the Roblox textures will only end up in yourself getting moderated.

The new Roblox grass texture offers multiple layers of the grass so it’s not probably a single image that you need to make that texture.

I’m not sure if it’s up to your interest, but there’s a Beta feature that allows you to generate random types of grass you could use as a texture with the help of AI.

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I didn’t know that wasn’t allowed.
Thanks for sharing that!

You do know it’s on the Docs?

Material Color Normal Metalness Roughness
Brick 7546648254 7546649654 7546650017
Cobblestone 7546651802 7546652689 7546652892
Concrete 7546653328 7546653707 7546653868
CorrodedMetal 7547183598 7547181182 7547184321 7547184588
DiamondPlate 7546654401 7546654536 7547162002 7547162137
Fabric 7547100606 7547100915 7547101072
Foil 7546644642 7546644903 7546644642 7546644963
Glass 7547304577 7547304785 7547304892
Granite 7547164400 7546654648 7547164660
Grass 7547167347 7547168653 7547169207
Ice 7546644642 7547171198 7547171276
Marble 7547174345 7547176060 7547177213
Metal 7547178395 7547287997 7547288112 7547179082
Pebble 7547291174 7546645052 7547291306
Sand 7547294684 7547294810 7547295087
Slate 7547297050 7547297808 7547298051
Wood 7547190453 7547190548 7547190619 7547303147
WoodPlanks 7547301709 7547188159 7547188891 7547332869
Material Terrain Face Color Normal Roughness
Asphalt Top 7547349715 7547350415 7551984908
Side 7551989667 7547322693 7547350597
Basalt (all) 7551975939 7547348152 7551977581
Brick (all) 7547631333 7547633037 7546657679
Cobblestone Top 7551992689 7547351364 7547351553
Side 7547648825 7547352096 7547649793
Concrete Top 7547196561 7547337919 7547197958
Side 7547628584 7547199386 7547310473
CrackedLava (all) 7551980711 7547320674 7551982079
Glacier Top 7547646888 7551930815 7551932698
Side 7551937696 7551940030 7551941712
Bottom 7551946144 7551948150 7551932698
Grass Top 7547307376 7547336606 7547308019
Side 7547621556 7547191705 7547622691
Bottom 7551927733 7547193357 7547625590
Ground (all) 7547348623 7547348887 7547349016
Ice Top 7547352634 7547651999 7547652934
Side 7547656350 7547657495

Roblox terrain materials are “blurred”. That’s why they won’t perfectly match eachother.