2022 materials on parts don't load in-game

I’m experiencing a very annoying issue where the materials on my parts are visible in studio and load but don’t in-game.



Materials in use:
Smoothplastic - Works
Fabric - Works
Neon - Works
Plastic - Works

Plaster - Broken
Carpet - Broken
Cardboard - Broken

All the ‘new’ materials don’t seem to work but the ones that have always existed do work.

Expected behavior

What should happen is that the materials actually load in-game.

Plaster, Cardboard, Carpet and 5 other new materials are in “BETA” state, and won’t be visible in game until they will go out of beta.

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This is a stupid bug report. If you don’t know already, the new materials are in “Beta” and I am sure you know that anything in Beta will not be shown in game. So either wait for them to come out of beta or just upload it yourself? (Basically what the post above me said, I didn’t read it.)

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When ever you find these kind of issues try using a 3rd party plugin works allways faces same issues few years ago
or try importing a mesh with texture WORKS!

Works Like A Charm

Have A Happy Deving