:ems: New LCEMS Team with advanced on-scene system, P2P revival, and a hospital!
The first new team in LC’s early access! Here’s a rundown on what you can expect from the LCEMS team:
- Head north on Jonathon, and eventually you will run into the massive hospital. We may have overdone it with this build, but honestly I love it. It’s nearly a maze in there with how much we’ve added, but the roleplay opportunities will be insane.
You can place patients onto the beds in the emergency department in the back (which is facing southbound). Feel free to look around, we may play hide and seek here…
Advanced On-Scene System
- 4-lead and 12-lead EKG system
- The 4 lead system will give you a very vague reading of the patient’s vitals. However, it does not read all types such as Vfib.
- The 12 lead system takes a bit longer to apply, but it will allow you to get an accurate and detailed reading of the patient’s vitals. By default, this is the required option.
- Shocking System
- You must apply the 2 shock pads to the patient’s chest before shocking.
- From there, you must charge the defibrillator. YOu can do this in two ways: auto or manual. Auto will charge it up for you, or you can manually set the amount of Joules to shock at. Beware though, as overdoing it may result in the patient flatlining!
- CPR System
- Inspired by LSPLASH’s Doors minigame, our CPR system is a little more complex than a paced spacebar clicker. You will have to click Q and E when the half hearts line up with the heart in the middle. Three strikes and the CPR sequence fails. You have numerous options to do this sequence though since it may be hard to some users.
- Blood Pressure Measuring
- Pulse Oximetry Measuring
- Reviving players from 0 health is a similar fashion to QA. Attend to them per usual, but every time you are guaranteed to do CPR. Pass CPR to revive them. You can also place players on stretchers by equipping it and interacting with the prompt. You can also use the trauma bag (equip it) to heal players.
Expanded spring map with lots of new roads, POIS, and more!
Tons of new things that have been changed and added to the map. For instance, numerous waterfalls, live animals, a new neighborhood, and roads have been added! Go check them all out!
Realistic keyframe animations for guns, inspect & check mag animations
This one is a personal favorite of mine during this update. Most guns (except the taser and Fortnite scar) now have keyframe animations instead of CFrame animations. In essence, they are much more smoother and realistic.
We plan on adding a taser animation in a future patch, so don’t worry! The Fortnite scar will stick to old animations because it’s mainly a joke weapon.
K9s are BACK! Level up to Lieutenant I or skip the XP lock with the gamepass!
K9s make a return after being removed from the game nearly 2 years ago. This time, the movement is improved. Here’s everything you need to know about the K9 system:
You must be Rank [FILL OUT HERE] to spawn in a K9, or optionally, you can use the gamepass to skip the rank lock.
From there, go to the underground sallyport in the PD where you will find a cage. Use this cage to spawn in a K9. Once spawned, a button will appear at the top of your screen which will be where you control your K9. You can make it bark, follow/unfollow you, attack wanted users, sit, and go into your car.
The animations were made by me, Rapid, so they’re a little bad. We will get some new animations for our furry friends in another patch.
NPC Parked Cars & Citation System
First but foremost, this setting is disabled by default. This is because having static cars spawned in around the map can be performance-heavy. However, you can use the in-game setting to choose how dense you want these cars to spawn for your client.
If you have this setting enabled, you can cite illegally parked vehicles on the SLPD team. Just go up to the driver side window and interact with the prompt to cite them!
Just like K9s, boats have made a great return. Go to the Johnson Dock in the new tiny island west of the city to spawn it. There are 4 boats: a mini yacht, speed boat, a fishing boat (I think; not sure what the model is primarily used for), and a jetski. You can purchase and spawn them in the same UI. Have fun in the water!
:LCDOTLogo: New Arrowboard Customization, RAM Truck, and Revamped Vehicles on LCDOT!
It’s about time DOT receives some love on our side. Arrowboards have been massively suggested since we’ve released, and we have finally added them.
The arrowboards are on two vehicles as a customization option unlocked at Rank [FILL RANK HERE]: the RAM 3500 and the Fourd T150. From there, you have 2 options of arrowboards, the United States or New Zealand kind.
To use the arrowboards, just use the advisor ELS, and it will reflect on the arrowboard as such.
We have also revamped some current DOT vehicles as well:
- Bucket truck has received an upgraded and more fitting lightbar.
- The 1992 Fourd T150 now has a rotary lightbar! Definitely more fitting, and we can’t wait to see what we do further with this lightbar.
Lastly, there are additional customization options for nearly every LCDOT vehicle: you can choose the different props to put in the back of the truck for realism, similar to SLPD (which will be talked about in the next bullet point).
Message Board & Accessory Customization for SLPD Vehicles
Message Boards with custom messages are now available in-game for most SLPD vehicles. However, you must be Rank HERE to unlock. Once equipped, you can enter a UI where you can type your own message!
Note: All messages go through Roblox’s filtering and our own flag system. If we see any misuse, it will result in your account’s moderation. Be smart with these!
Tornadoes and Storm Chasing
Honestly, I don’t know how or why this is even in game. This was an insane, ambitious idea I had during winter break that I turned into reality in one dedicated night. Here’s what you need to know about tornadoes:
Tornadoes are rare to spawn naturally. Every time the weather is updated, depending on the type of weather, there is a 0% - 7% chance of spawning. We are currently working on ways to improve the realism of it, but for now, it will leave a trail of dirt behind it and de-leave (is that a word) all trees it goes through. Furthermore, if you’re near it, your camera will start to shake.
However, these types of weather also have their own chances, so in the grand picture, they are pretty rare. However, we made sure they’re available when you want them which is why we added…
:tornado command
If you have the EnhancedServer server expansion, you can use the :tornado command. The syntax is as follows: :tornado F0:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5. For example, to spawn a F3 tornado, I would type :tornado F3 in the chat.This command is locked for co-owners and above.
Also, there is a tornado probe you can purchase in the tool store. If you purchase this, and place it in the path of a tornado, you can receive some serious money. We made sure it pays out since tornadoes themselves are so rare. However, be weary as the prove takes several seconds to activate before it starts to work. Be sure to place it many seconds in advance before the tornado goes over it!
Bodycams (B keybind) for PD!
Press B on the SLPD team to apply your own body cam. This works for both with and without weapons equipped. Pretty cool immerse feature. We will look into adding seeing others’ in the next update!
Civilian Liveries Gamepass
Firstly, this gamepass is paid because we wanted to filter out the amount of usage of this. Having it paid will ensure nobody uses this feature for bad. We log every livery that passes through, and you won’t be able to equip the livery unless it goes to our end.
Go to the customization shop and to the “color” option. From there, you can see the “Custom Livery” option. Just enter the ID like it’s a regular livery, and it should work! This works for both public and private servers!
Before you buy: Only the PD vehicles’ counterparts can have liveries applied to them on civilian team. For instance, the PD van on civilian team can have a livery applied, but not a civilian exclusive one.
Note: We log every livery that is submitted. Since this is a paid feature, we don’t expect much misuse from it, but if you do misuse it by putting NSFW, advertisements, etc., you may be moderated and have the feature taken away from you. I don’t expect people to waste their Robux like that though, so hopefully we don’t need to worry about it. Additionally, your livery ID will go in a global livery ID ban database.
Basketball has been added! Grab a ball off the rack at either court and climb the leaderboards!
It’s about time we get sports into LC. As a sports fan myself, I have always wanted to add sports to the game.
Head to 1 of 2 basketball courts in the game, enter the court, click the basketball rack to obtain the basketball, and shoot!
To shoot, it is a similar mechanic to 2K. Just hold E and once the meter reaches the top, let go. However, if you overdo it, it will go down to 50% accuracy.
There is also a weekly and all-time leaderboard for field goals made.
:SeniorDeveloper: MAJOR FPS & loading improvements
Won’t go too much in it here since we’ve already stated it in the improvements section below, but we made a ton of changes that help improve FPS in all aspects for this update. We have reports that most if not all users of QA and even random members of EA have seen visible differences from before and after this update.