[2.1.0] The Architect Update


Sector-1 has been completely refurbished! The layout has been changed, and comes with new spawns for every team! It even comes with a new generator room and cafeteria! Enjoy the new Sector-1 and explore to your heart’s content!

Sector-2 has also been refurbished! Although that layout hasn’t changed too much, Sector-2 comes with a cleaner look, and is way more optimized than before. It also comes with a few redesigned SCP chambers!

Sector-3, too, has been refurbished, just like Sector-1 and Sector-2. The layout and look of Sector-3 has changed, coming with new lighting, and even new SCP chambers being redesigned! It is also a lot more optimized, so your game will run smoother!

  • New S-2/S-3 security checkpoint
  • Water cannon officially added
  • New soda selection UI
  • Version information in bottom corner has more information
  • Warn Type “Leaving To Avoid Punishment” (LTAP) added
  • Developers can now disable or enable their join messages


  • Railgun has proper running animation now
  • Can no longer drop water cannon
  • Can no longer drop bag
  • Fixed doors
  • Auto-kick for beta modified
  • Fixed VIP Server XP
  • Fixed kill guards task



  • snorebear
  • KnownMonarch
  • Glyptical


  • KnownMonarch


  • snorebear
  • MohhayScripts
  • NobleTactician
  • keegaroo65


  • NotUnfazed


  • Xitra_II


  • Glyptical