Temp Read Failed

I’m using adonis for my airline, I keep trying to insert my aircratf and I get a error saying “Temp read failed”, does anyone have a prop solution/fix to this?

The player needs to own the item you’re trying to insert, in this case the aircraft. If you’re trying to insert a script with load asset, you could just take the same script and replicate it through a service.

You could also require the script if it is module.

local asset = require(3342140587);
--// You can then use this as a module.
--// Keep in mind the module name would need to be "MainModule"

I do own it. It’s owned by my group.

Getting the same error while uploading a TEXTURE ID.
Unable to load Workspace.untitled.VWEAP.SurfaceAppearance - ColorMap ‘rbxassetid://mytextureidhere’ (Error: Temp read failed.). - Studio
Unable to generate ‘Workspace.untitled.VWEAP.SurfaceAppearance’ due to some of the textures being unavailable. Change a TextureId property to retry.

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I second this, but instead it’s happening with files that I’m uploading to a group for a SurfaceAppearance (I 100% have the permission to upload files, it’s just not loading them)

I’m having this same issue with a SoundId. It seems to work for most players in my game but I have had 1.1K errors for “Temp read failed”

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This is only happening in group games for me. It usually resolves after I sit for 30 seconds after uploads and restart Studio

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I’m trying to insert a UGC item for reference into my game and I’m getting this error too.

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(16689681234).Parent = workspace

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