How can I make a first person script that allows me to freely move my mouse cursor?

I want to be able to move my mouse cursor freely, with the camera looking towards the cursor as I do so (so players can access GUI buttons)

This post helps…
There’s a property called Modal in GUI Buttons, you might wanna look at that

There are many tutorials and topics about it but I will tell you the steps:
make a button and set its Transparency to 0 and its TextTransparency to 0 and its
Put it in a place where it doesn’t get in the way and so it can’t be seen or anything. and when you want the player to move his mouse freely set the Modal (of the button) to true and if you want it to go back to normal just set it to false

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I figured out how to do it by combining two separate scripts. I am pretty bad at explaining what I need but here is what I tried to explain:

Could you share how you done this?