Help with making a GIF with beams

I need help on how i can modify this script to make it compatible with Beams.
Keep in mind i’m using a sprite sheet, and billboard guis are not my thing.

local Frames = 17 --Amount of frames in gif
local currentFrame = 1

local rows = 4
local columns = 5

local currentRow,CurrentColumn = 0,0

local linear = false

local fps = 30 -- Max 30
local full60fps = false

local size = script.Parent.Parent.Size

script.Parent.StudsPerTileU = columns*size.X
script.Parent.StudsPerTileV = rows*size.Y

while true do
	if not full60fps then wait(1/fps) else game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Wait() end
	if linear then
		script.Parent.OffsetStudsU = script.Parent.OffsetStudsU + size.X
		if script.Parent.OffsetStudsU > script.Parent.StudsPerTileU then
			script.Parent.OffsetStudsU = 0
		CurrentColumn = CurrentColumn + 1
		if CurrentColumn > columns then
			CurrentColumn = 1
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
		if currentFrame > Frames then
			currentRow,CurrentColumn,currentFrame = 1,1,1
		script.Parent.OffsetStudsU = size.X*(CurrentColumn-1)
		script.Parent.OffsetStudsV = size.Y*(currentRow-1)
		currentFrame = currentFrame+1

trying to configure this was a pain and didnt work, so any help is appreciated :sob:

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