Calculating Light Candela/Lumens

I am currently working on a project in Roblox Studio that involves creating a realistic lighting environment for a game. As part of this project, I need to be able to calculate the candela and lumens of the light sources I am using within the game. However, I am having difficulty finding a formula or method to do this accurately. I was wondering if someone could assist me with obtaining a formula or resource to help me calculate the candela and lumens of my light sources. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

If it helps, the light I am trying to achieve this of is a Surefire X300 T, 600 lumens, 66,000 candela.

Calculating lumens/candelas in real life is very complex. Specialized technology is often needed, which is obviously not available to us in ROBLOX.

So, not possible to my knowledge. While we do have an accurate reference of the stud:meter ratio (1 stud = 0.28m, from the World Settings panel), we don’t have a reference to the intensity of a light source in ROBLOX.

I think the best we could do is roughly approximate the area a light source covers based on its angle and distance, and just guess the intensity based on its brightness using the plethora of physics formulas available on the internet relating to lumens and candelas.