Big fire that wont go away and only occurs when in game please help

Hey so i am working on a game with another person and we both ran into this problem where everytime we join the game there is this big fireball that seems to be stuck in a specific location but if i remove like a part it is attached to then it moves to another location and this only happeneds in game in roblox studio it’s non existant this is the one in game and this in studio please lmk what could be causing this and how to permanently fix this issue thanks


Have you used any free models in your game?
If yes search for any scripts inside, and if found, look out for anything suspicious.

If the code is obfuscated, it is most likely a virus and you should delete the script.

Hope I helped!

yes I informed them that free models are a very risky route especially when it comes to game developing but they still went ahead and decided to use free models so now we have to deal with this if you dont mind me asking how would i go about searching for any scripts inside to find this mole of a script ty for ur quick response

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Your welcome!

In the explorer, you need to have the beta feature “Advanced Explorer Filtering” enabled, just search for every object that is a Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript.

By the way, if you don’t understand a script put in a free model, just copy paste it here!

EDIT: While searching for Scripts, ModuleScripts, or LocalScripts, you need to put classname=script or modulescript or localscript

try pressing ctrl+shift+F in your game and searching :IsStudio() in the search bar. Basically, :IsStudio() is a way that a virus can check if you’re in studio and make their script function differently in game and in studio.

Now, if you have a lot of scripts in your game, :IsStudio() might be found in more than 1 script. This doesn’t always mean it’s a virus, but it’s something which may be used by scripts even if they’re not a virus.

If something pops up in the search for :IsStudio() then you should have a scripter on your team look at the script and make sure it’s not a virus

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i mean there are so many free models they decided to put in i feel like it would save both of us a headache if i just added you into team create and you could see for urself would that be a possiblity

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Hey there, you could paste scripts with :IsStudio() in a reply!

Yes, follow the steps I gave in my last reply and look for any scripts with :IsStudio() in them.

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this is the only script that comes up under isstudio – // FileName: SwallowGuestChat.lua
– // Written by: TheGamer101
– // Description: Stop Guests from chatting and give them a message telling them to sign up.
– // Guests are generally not allowed to chat, so please do not remove this.

local util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild(“Util”))
local RunService = game:GetService(“RunService”)

local ChatLocalization = nil
pcall(function() ChatLocalization = require(game:GetService(“Chat”).ClientChatModules.ChatLocalization) end)
if ChatLocalization == nil then ChatLocalization = {} function ChatLocalization:Get(key,default) return default end end

function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatSettings)
local LocalPlayer = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer
if LocalPlayer and LocalPlayer.UserId < 0 and not RunService:IsStudio() then

	local channelObj = ChatWindow:GetCurrentChannel()
	if channelObj then
			ChatLocalization:Get("GameChat_SwallowGuestChat_Message","Create a free account to get access to chat permissions!"), 

	return true
return false


return {
[util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage

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Ok so the purpose of that script sounds like it stops guests from chatting, which #1 guests have been removed from the game for many, many years now and #2, guests could never chat even when they were a thing.

That script is more than likely your issue, I would try removing it if I were you

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yeah i removed it and published it and the issue still stands the ball of fire is still there

Do you know what free models they used and how many?

I think you should also check what is going on in the other script in the model

i mean yeah the list goes on

dang that’s quite the predicament.

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yeah ik what would you advise we do start over or is there a way of locating the mole without going through each and all models what do you reckon

i meant like the model that contained the script that had the InStudio(), try deleting it and seeing what happens

I would make a copy of the place and one by one delete the models and see which one fixes the problem

yeah i did do so i published it seeing if it would work but no nothing

good shout i will give it a try and see what ends up giving me the positive result that im looking for thanks for ur time really appriciate it

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