Check if TeleportToPrivateServer was a success

Hay everyone,
For the sake of simplicity I will use an example game below (seems easier to explain).

Let’s say that I made a story game that needed to teleport X amount of players from one game to a subgame using the TeleportToPrivateServer function. In the subgame is there a way for me to detect when all players have joined the game?

I have tried looking up items in TeleportService but there does not seem to be any specific method to detect this.

Any input that you have will be very helpful. Thanks.

player:GetJoinData() may help.

Event fires when a teleport fails.
Documentation: TeleportService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I advise checking to see IF there is a failed teleport instead of a success. We need to be able to handle the situation of a failed teleport. There is a document for it: