So I’m currently creating a 24 daily quest countdown and I got it to work but the problem is that it’s counting up instead of down. Here’s my code:
local originalTime = os.time() + 86400
local function toHMS(s) --convert to hours, minutes, seconds and format to 0 left-padded integers separated by colons.
return ("%02i:%02i:%02i"):format(s/3600, s/60%60, s%60)
PlrDailyQuests.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(currentTime, lastClaim)
currentOSTime = currentTime
lastOSClaim = lastClaim
while wait(1) do
script.Parent.Countdown.Text = toHMS(((os.time()) - lastOSClaim))
Here’s what it displays on my textlabel:
This basically shows how much time has passed since the last time the daily quest reset, but I want it to count down from 24:00:00, but I’m not really sure how.
local originalTime = os.time() + 86400
local function toHMS(s) --convert to hours, minutes, seconds and format to 0 left-padded integers separated by colons.
return ("%02i:%02i:%02i"):format(s/3600, s/60%60, s%60)
local lastReset = os.time() - (60 * 60 * 3) -- 3 hrs ago
while wait(1) do
print(toHMS( lastReset - os.time() + (60 * 60 * 24) )) -- lastReset - currentTime + 24 hours
Your script is written pretty well, but you can even further improve it by reducing number of calculations, and removing abstraction by not calling the same function every second for such a simple return - no need to add it to call stack again and again continuously when we don’t need to.
We can reverse the process this way:
local FULL_CYCLE = 3600 *24 -- Full day in seconds.
local label = script.Parent.Countdown
local lastClaim = 0
local function questCountDown(lastClaim)
local current = 0
current = FULL_CYCLE - (os.time() - lastClaim)
label.Text = ("%02i:%02i:%02i"):format(current/3600, current/60%60, current%60)
until current <= 0
-- Free to start the quest again!
EDIT I only realized later than @heII_ish already gave you a similar answer. Both of you guys have a good time!
Wow, this worked like a charm! The coding advice really helped as well, I will use this to help optimize my other codes. Also, thank you @hell_ish for your answer!