How do I make a BillboardGUI (In StarterGUI) match the players screen

So pretty much I’m rendering a character with a viewport frame which matches the characters actual 3d position and size with it in the world for a sort of afterimage effect.

  • I’ve gotten this to work however, I do not want it to display on top of parts.

To solve this, I’m using a billboard GUI in StarterGUI which my viewportframe inside so that the rendered character is obscured by objects.

However, I need to know how to make the billboard gui actually match the players screen and camera position/cframe so the character’s position/size/orientation is accurately rendered.

What I have:

What I want:

(No current code, all has been done by changing properties)

You mean like: Size = 1,0,1,0 ?

Also, only viewport frame have a “attach to camera” thing, but idk how you are using the Billboard to hide the character

Why can’t you just use a Highlight instead of using a viewport for this visual?