25% Off | Lighting Specialist | Portfolio | CatholicChurchRoblox (Open)

Hi there! I am offering my services as a lighting specialist. I specialise in lighting for terrain and other sorts of maps and builds. I have been doing lighting for 2 years on Roblox.

Terrain Lighting :

Other Lighting :

Sunday | 3 Hours
Monday | 2-3 Hours
Tuesday | 2-3 Hours
Wednesday | 1-4 Hours
Thursday | 1-3 Hours
Friday | 4-5 Hours
Saturday | 3-6 Hours

Payment Method | Robux | Everything is Negotiable
Terrain Lighting | 800 R$ per map
Building Lighting | 100-300 R$ depending on the size of the building
Street Lighting | 100 R$ per roadway
Package Deal’s
Entire Game Lighting Package | Includes
| All Building’s
| All Terrain
| All Roadway’s
Price | 1500 R$

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or Discord at (Catholic Church of Roblox#5568)

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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