[HD Admin] How to restrict ;all commands to a certain rank?

I saw another post about HD admin, so this should abide by the posting rules…

Anyways, I am making a Gamepass so that you can have access to moderator commands.
How can I restrict it so that they cannot use the ;all, or ;others, feature? Specifically so that they can only run commands on themselves to prevent admin abuse.

you can find the HD model under toolbox made by ForeverHD. I assume it would be somewhere in configure but wasn’t sure if it’s even there.

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I don’t think you can configure this, the most you can do would be to set RankLock to a command to true, but that only makes it such that the Player isn’t able to execute commands towards admin ranks that are higher than them.

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So this will make the command still usable on anybody, besides anybody above the rank moderator? hmm.

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Sorry for the late reply!

set the commands to the vip rank since the vip rank can only execute commands to themselves and not anybody else