GUI - Fixed Placement?

I setup a GUI with the following Hierachy:

When I change the size of the viewport (Studio) the buttons are shifting and overlapping, see images below.


  • Is there a way to have a fixed placement for the GUI?
  • Will all GUI-Elements dynamically adjust to different screen resolutions / devices?

thanks for any help, thoughts and recommendations.


Are you using scale or offset for the GUI size and positions?

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Set the sizes of all frames and ImageButtons into just Scale values and set their offset values to 0

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Hmm… when I switch to ipPhone 4S for example, I am still having issues with the GUI even when all frames and imageButtons are set to scale values and all offset values are at 0.

please see screenshot below:

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some more screenshots of my properties:

Frame Properties:

Button Properties:

Hmm… not quite sure what I am missing here.
thanks for any little help, appreciate it!

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Your Frame’s size is in offset

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Thank you… hmm… but I am not sure if I can follow you.

  • What do I have to change in order to make this work?
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Size has two values: scale and offset. Size: {ScaleX, OffsetX}, {ScaleY, OffsetY}
When making sizes of UIs always opt for the size to be only in scale numbers and the offset ones be on zero. Since offset decides the size via pixel count it will be different in different resolutions. But scale decides the size via percentage (e.g ScaleX = 0.1, ScaleY = 0.4 : The frame will take up 0.1/1 → 10% of the screen on the X axis and 0.4/1 → 40% on the Y axis.) This size will be proportionate to every resolution so the UIs work the same in all devices

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Don’t listen to anyone here, waste of time.
Take what I use: AutoScale Lite

Firstly order the Gui’s however you like, and then follow these steps:
You need to select all frames, imagelabels, text and everything that has a position property (not things like gradiant) and hit these buttons by this order:

This magical plugin will do all the work for you, after this you are done (if you select a lot of frames wait for it to finish each step.).
good luck.

also mark this as your answer pls :pray:


I mean its not hard to change the size of a UI from offset to scale I dont see why you would need a plugin to do that. Also stop begging to get the answer its not a competition

not for any competition! this is to make people who search find the answer easily, i dont gain anything from this… thanks for your input though.

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Thank you @supergeorge2007 appreciate your help.
Setting up the Frames with Scale values seems to fix that issue.
:smiley: :hugs:

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Thank you so much @TheRealRoni972 I will try your recommended plugin. It seems to be a very good solution. :smiley: :hugs:


Hmm… for some reason, just using the Scale value on the GUI Buttons doesn’t seem to work.
I was running today another test.

Check this out, this is a 2K resolution and the Buttons are not distorted, so they appear correct.

Now I switch to a different resolution format, for example 3440x1440

as you can see, the distortion is very clear to see.

What’s strange?

I am not using any offset, only scale.

and here is the iphone, also distorted:

I am not sure, but it looks like… the Scale Factor doesn’t work anymore.
I can’t tell if it happened with the new update this week, but it’s not working.

I guess I need to try the plugin now.

Any other thoughts or ideas how I could fix that?
Thank you so much!

@TheRealRoni972 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH :hugs: :partying_face: :grinning:
I download your plugin, and just used the Constraint, and it worked right away.
What a Life Saver. Thank you sooooooo much, you made my day and your plugin is amazing.

thank you so much, your plugin worked perfectly. I just used the constraint, and it fixed it all. Loving it. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :grinning: :partying_face: :hugs: :pray: :tada:

I tried it and it’s fantastic. I just used the “Add Constraint” and it fixed all my scaling and distortion issues. I can highly recommend your plugin. What a great tool. Thank you soooo much, I really appreciate your help!!! :tada: :pray: :hugs: :partying_face: :grinning:

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