Sound Not Cloning even when using :Clone()

After adding new gunshots for my roleplaying game, i had to change a few things in the code so the sound doesn’t get cut off while shooting full auto.
The script i use is something like this

local Handle = script.Parent.Handle
local GunshotClone =  Handle.FireSound:Clone()
GunshotClone.PlayOnRemove = true
GunshotClone.Parent = Handle

But for some reason it didn’t work, got any ideas ?


Make the sound archivable by using gunshotclone.Archivable = true
You should do this before you clone it


u need to play the sound

also waht does it show in output


It’s PlayOnRemove, which means the sound will play after being removed.


I’ll try that, see if it works or not.

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it is already archivable from the beginning, not sure what’s the issue.

okayyy if you are unsure then can u show us the output

Hmm your script should work and i dont really know whats making it act so silly but i would definately just try using Sound:Play() instead and putting a wait(time) there to see if it works.

Maybe because you put the sound in tool (Im just guessing this is a tool since there is “Handle”)
Sometime the script can’t find stuff put in the tool so i suggest you to put it somewhere else like ReplicatedStorage or ServerStorage and clone instead.

bit late but i was having the same issue a while back and i found that setting the sounds parent to soundservice fixed it for me