After adding new gunshots for my roleplaying game, i had to change a few things in the code so the sound doesn’t get cut off while shooting full auto.
The script i use is something like this
local Handle = script.Parent.Handle
local GunshotClone = Handle.FireSound:Clone()
GunshotClone.PlayOnRemove = true
GunshotClone.Parent = Handle
But for some reason it didn’t work, got any ideas ?
Hmm your script should work and i dont really know whats making it act so silly but i would definately just try using Sound:Play() instead and putting a wait(time) there to see if it works.
Maybe because you put the sound in tool (Im just guessing this is a tool since there is “Handle”)
Sometime the script can’t find stuff put in the tool so i suggest you to put it somewhere else like ReplicatedStorage or ServerStorage and clone instead.