How to get group games with a script

I’m making a game that gets a certain group’s games. And I really don’t know how to get them using a script. I’ve tried to use:
But it says that it doesn’t have acces to ROBLOX resources… Is there another way to get them?

Please help me! :frowning:


HTTPService can’t connect to Roblox. You would need a proxy (i believe that’s the term) in order to access Roblox.


maybe something with the group service and the player service

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But how can use that Proxy? Also the group service doesnt acces group games as how @TlGERDEV said…

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There are many resources online and on the DevForum that can help you with that.

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Roblox blocks requests from their own servers.

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good idea, but I still don’t understand how to use Proxies and also this link too…

For proxies I recently made a post on how to make your own in about 10 minutes all you would need to do is send a http get request like

local https = game:GetService('HttpService')

local ProxyUrl = "ProxyNameHere".."?link="

local GroupId = groupId

local Url = ""..GroupId.."/games?accessFilter=2&limit=10&sortOrder=Asc"

local EncodedUrl = https:UrlEncode(Url)

local Response = https:GetAsync(ProxyUrl..EncodedUrl)
Response = https:JSONDecode(Response)



It helped a lot! But it says that something went wrong with the request… I’ve tried this code

local Http = game:GetService('HttpService') 
local Encode = Http:UrlEncode('') 
local Link = ""..Encode

Also I didn’t forget to put group id.

Then this error appears again:

Something went wrong AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401 https:/// ID/games?accessFilter=1&limit=10&sortOrder=Asc

is this the link that i should use for getting the group games: Swagger UI ?

remove the bit and that should work :slight_smile:

local Http = game:GetService('HttpService') 
local Encode = Http:UrlEncode('') 
local Link = ""..Encode

still didn’t work…

It worked fine for me. accessFilter should be 2 idk why

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Hey @Zacus57, You are not allowed to use any ** URLs as HTTP requests inside of Roblox games, right now the only way of doing this is using a Proxy that you can setup with Heroku (or of course other hosting services or even manually) or use already hosted Proxies such as RoProxy (RoProxy is open source meaning you can also host this Proxy yourself)
also, Roblox is working on allowing certain Roblox APIs to be allowed in games!


I DID IT omg tysm u are the best

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Just so you know as it is a free platform the website’s can go inactive until recalled on meaning there might be a 20 second delay if you don’t do it for a while and you have to be wary of rate limits on your acc and roblox in general

Thanks @hya123456h for advice!

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