I’m wondering where to start on replicating Billy the tentacle monster and its AI from item asylum.
I suggest going to an Item Asylum private server where you are the owner, and giving yourself the ‘billy summon’ tool from the admin panel. That’ll give you a proper idea of what I need.
Ingame the tentacles move very lively and slippery. That’s my main problem. I don’t know how to achieve the same effect. If you go ingame and spawn in billy you’ll see what I mean.
I’ve got what I wanted.
I made a tentacle split into 8 cylindrical parts which are connected to eachother with rope constraints.
For the AI, I found the nearest player’s position, used CFrame.lookat() to find the direction from the monster’s head to the player and set the .Velocity of all tentacle ends to that direction * power.
It required some number tweaking but it works good in the end.