so, my sound is supposed to be only heard from 20 studs away. but when my sound plays, it plays from the usual 10000 studs. my model gets cloned from ReplicatedStorage. I am not sure that even changes anything about the sound but i’ll just say that. Any help?
Mind showing the properties of the sound?
And is it parented in a object, such as a part, a physical object, not a folder or workspace or value.
A sound has to be parented under a physical object, not a group, folder or anything of that sort, A physical object.
Because roblox is buggy, and for some reason models dont work good with sound.
(the sound has to be parented to a part)
Physical object’s have a position, Other objects do not, The sound cant use rolloffmaxdistance without a base position to use, explaining why everybody hears it.
so does that mean, i would have to put it inside a part?
Mhm, yeah. Basically. That’s what it is.
thanks. It works fine now.
Character limit aaa
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