How do I weld boots to the players legs? (r6)

So I’ve been working on a little game. The game is similar to Steep Steps, but instead of using a ladder, you jump! I’ve been thinking of boots to upgrade the player’s jump height, but the problem is, I don’t know how to weld the boots together. I’ve used accessories to try and get it to connect to the LeftShoe/RightShoe but it just goes onto the player’s head! The boots are just a single part (For now!).

Currently, there are not scripts, besides the leaderstats scripts.

The game : The Climb! [ TEST ] - Roblox

Hello :slight_smile:
This is fairly easily done by making use of either Welds or WeldConstraints. Just put the Boots CFrame at the foot’s CFrame and then weld them together using a WeldConstraint for instance.

Wait, r6 doesen’t have foot(s), it has legs!

Weld it to its legs

> Blockquote

I would probably use accessories that work with the Left and RightFootAttachments on R6 characters.

In the case that you really would just like to go the weld route, make a script that welds the boots to the bottom of the Left and Right Legs on the character, giving the character the boots.

I tried welding, it ended up becoming a leg bandage.

This is the script.

		local boot = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild("Boot"):Clone()
		boot.PrimaryPart.Position = character["Left Leg"].Position
		boot.Parent = character
		boot.WeldConstraint.Part0 = boot.PrimaryPart
		boot.WeldConstraint.Part1 = character["Left Leg"]

You can also test it in the game.

Edit : The boots are now a model.
Edit 2 : The boots model can be found on the player scale ingame.

You have to add a Vector3 to the boot.PrimaryPart.Position to make the boot go lower on the legs.

Right now, it’s just positioning itself on the leg, which positions the boot in the middle of the leg. When you add a Vector3 and change the number on the Y axis, like, -1, 0, if you are in need of a proper example, you should be able to position the boot low enough on the leg to actually look like a boot.

Wait, come in game. I need to show u something real quick.

Edit : I managed to make it actually look like a boot, but only the primary part is there.

I can’t come back in-game, could you send images through the DevForum?

Sure! Gimme a second… Let me take a picture…

That’s what it looks like.

So there’s supposed to be more of the boot, but it’s not there?

If this is the case, then you probably have to weld all of the parts of the boot to the primary part.

weld or weldconstraint???

Either one would work, but just go for WeldConstraints.

i tried weld constraints, it made the other parts go flying

Other parts? What other parts?

the other parts of the boot. I can show u the boot.

Did you weld every single part of the boot to the PrimaryPart?

yes, i did, it became flying. the rest of the parts were really far away from the primarypart. I used weldconstraints.

Can you send me a screenshot of the explorer of the model with every section opened?
