About games.roblox.com

:bangbang: For any future readers :bangbang:

HttpService is now allowed to make requests to specific Roblox domains (as I’m writing this, the update is still PENDING)

Can games.roblox.com be accessed by HTTPService? I’ve seen people use RoProxy a lot and from what I’ve read it seems like Roblox has blocked API requests to Roblox domains.

Just wanted to know if this is true or not.

Yeah it works??

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I don’t have access to Studio right now so for now I’ll just mark your response as the answer.

Do you mean can you access it with httpservice?

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Yes that’s what I meant. Sorry if I was a bit unclear in the original post.

You can’t access any Roblox endpoints with HttpService currently, the only way is to use a proxy.
I recommend hosting your own if you’re passing cookies or security keys.

These one’s are fairly decent

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Yeah I’ll probably use a proxy. Thanks for the quick responses! :relieved:

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