How would I go with making a skill tree?

I want to create a skill tree in this game, and I have considered using GUIs for it. However, I don’t know if it’s the most efficient, since my skill tree has a ton of buttons I have to reposition my frame so many times to try to get the selected skill or button to the middle (yk what I mean, it’s like in YBA when you click a button in the skill tree, and the camera moves.)

So what do you think is better, shall I use GUIs or Parts and then using clickdetectors similar to YBA and other games?

And also how will I efficiently store my skill tree data? (I use profileservice)

Help is greatly appreciated.

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Creating it with parts will be a hell of alot easier then with GUIs if you want to have like the camera move to a specific skill point, You have to make your own custom camera for a UI type of system I’m assuming

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You could create a hologram in front of the player with parts and surface guis, everything that can be seen by the LocalPlayer only (or by everyone but i wouldn’t suggest it)

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I’ll try both of your ideas later. Thanks for the help!

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