Script with loop only works one time?

I have made a script where when the car doesnt exist it clones it from ServerStorage and teleports it to a position. but the script only works one time

Here is the script:

while true do
	if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Car")
	then print("The car exists") else
		print("The car does not exist")
	local ClonedPart = game.ServerStorage.Car:Clone()
		ClonedPart.Parent = game.Workspace
		print("Car has been parented to Workspace")
		ClonedPart.Position =, 3.877, 167.314)
		print("Car is back in place")
		ClonedPart.Name = "Car"

it does actually teleport it back to place but it doesnt print it?

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The script still only runs once and i cant figure out why

edit: i made it work

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